Friday, 16 December 2011

Howto Crack CyberCafe Pro Ver 5.

First download CyberCafe Pro 5.0.24 on your PC. Simple Windows 7 / XP / 2003 base system will be enough. Depends on your choice. I will recommend Windows 2003 base PC.

Now download CyberCafe Pro 5.0.24 via

Please make sure you have turned off your ANTIVIRUS otherwise crack will not work because of the cracks are always identified as spyware/virus, but this file is not virus.

Password to open this file is

Create a new folder in c:\ccp & Unzip the downloaded file it in this folder.

Now execute Ccp5-Server.exe
as shown in the image below

installation of CCP server is very simple.

After Installation Run the CyberCafePro.5.0.250.Crack.exe from C:\CCP\Crack
Click on Crack button and point it to the folder where CCP server is installed as showed in the image below.

Simple Isn't it :)



  1. i am an administrator of a internet cafe shop in Lahore. and i want to make more branches in my city So i want a software to control my all cafe branches i want to know that how many users come to my cafe and how much time their use in cafe simply i need time control system to all my cafe pc and report send me via email or store in my server that i check how many hours system use and the person how hold the cafe give me how many hours money.i want to stop fraud ....................................... for example pc no 1 , used for 10 hours a day but the person how hold the cafe says the pc no 1 , used a day for for only 5 hours, so then server tell me that pc no 1 is used for 10 hours, if you don't understand my words for poor English then plz give me yours Mobile no or send me a text message at my this no 0345-4326510 -Mustafa

  2. It installed like normal on my Windows Home Server 2011 machine. But when I start it, nothing is shown after the splash screen and the suddenly a message that the language database failed to initialize properly and all the text in the main windows say the language database is not found. That also happened when I run this in compatibility mode. How do I resolve this issue and make it running in perfect state??? Please reply and answer back ASAP.

  3. salam mujah apka number send karoo plz mujah kaam hai app sey cheatan here

  4. (can't locate file)
    i am sure i have the file but i can't crack


    This link doesn' works anymore. Please update

  6. Sir how to set the time on a system and which system can be connected to your server can the systems on same LAN can work with it thanks kindly update me on my mail

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  8. The link is not working. Please help.

    Doesn't work.
